Dinghy or Trawler

Is your website a dinghy or a trawler?!

Since the inception of websites, we’ve seen so many businesses just design (or apply a template) and build a website, without understanding or caring about what is fundamentally needed and what its potential can achieve for businesses.

Most business owners want to have a website thinking that ‘everyone else has one’ so i must have one too. To a degree, that is correct, but it’s only half of the picture.

Rather than a website that acts as an online brochure, your website can be your 24/7 sales person. So many websites are developed on the ‘build it, & they will come’ mentality. That doesn’t work either.

So the difference to building a dinghy (brochure site) as opposed to a trawler (optimised site)? Well, a dinghy will only get you so far, with just a couple of small oars rowing at snail’s pace throughout the world-wide web. But by building a trawler - it’s not only designed to sail the high seas, but it’s also more importantly designed to trap and catch!

To catch those new leads, opportunities and new business. A trawler casts a wide net as should your website.

Below are 7 fundamental & easy ways to enhance your website, ensure its found online and ‘trap & catch’ new leads:

  • Short time based sale - to draw them in and lead to a purchase (with a sense of urgency)
  • Add CTA’s or ‘calls to action’. A free download, tips, white paper, e-book or even a call back. Capture their email address and you have yourself a qualified lead opportunity while adding to a database to further market to.
  • Make your phone prominent so that if they are interested in your product or service - they can easily make a quick call for more information or a quick sale.
  • Ensure Google visibility by making sure your sitemap is submitted to Google (too many websites fail to do this and never get their potential ranking)
  • Perform at least basic SEO from its development - it shouldn’t be an add on but an integral part of development
  • Ensure there’s at least 300 words per page (including keywords)
  • Ensure any product or service that you want to be found for, has its own page with content with keywords

It’s not difficult to make your website more than an online brochure.

When a website is optimised with great content & calls to action, your website can be your 24/7 salesperson and attract and capture new leads to grow your business.

Don’t waste time and money by having a dinghy-type website that just cruises along. You’ll miss too many opportunities to catch.

FREE Website Checker - Check to see how strong your website is? Click the box below

BEAM Creative Free Website Checker

If you need help in optimisation, converting or upgrading your website to ‘capture leads’ - you can book a complimentary 1hr website assessment with myself - and we’ll identify quick ways to get your website on its way to capturing leads and sales for your business.

Book your Website Booster Review

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BEAM Creative Pty Ltd

HEAD OFFICE: United Co. 425 Smith St, Fitzroy MELB VIC 3065

1300 099 795

ABN 986 1811 6055 

SYDNEY Office: Suite 3846, 903/50 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000 

BRISBANE Office: Suite 4819, 9/204 Alice Street Brisbane QLD 4000

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